DRA Computers, LLC 4030 Mount Carmel Tobasco Road
Suite 327G
Cincinnati, Ohio 45255


DRA Computers can take care of all your computer and network needs.

Call or e-mail us for more details.

Troubleshooting and Repair of Hardware or Software
Do you have a desktop or server that is not functioning properly? We can troubleshoot the system, and provide solutions to return proper operation.

Getting software errors or crashing? All Microsoft Windows versions are supported by DRA Computers. In addition, most common business applications are also supported. Do you have a custom or specialty application, no problem we can provide support for them also.

Troubleshooting and repair services are provided on-site. Some repairs may be better handled off-site, in those cases, pickup and returning the system is provided at no additional cost.

Verbal estimates (written available upon request) are provided for customer approval, before any work is performed.  On-site estimates are provided at no charge unless otherwise stated.

Backup and Disaster Recovery Solutions
Data, its what we create, send, receive and store on our computers. What would you do if you lost some or all of your data?

With a backup and disaster recovery solution, you will be able to recover from the loss, and minimize the effect of the temporary loss of access to your data. 

No business or individual should be without some form of Backup and Disaster Recovery Solution. Our custom solutions can be a simple backup to a local USB hard drive, or as complicated as multiple systems with local and off-site replication of the backup sets.

Managed and Monitoring Services
Our Managed and Monitoring service provides 24 hour monitoring of server class systems while providing remote access to systems for troubleshooting of problems and maintaining system during non-business hours, minimizing the impact on your business.

Managed desktop/laptop systems are monitored for issues, and with remote access those issue can be resolved quickly and at a lower cost when an on-site service call is not required.

You can select which systems are managed, and cost is based on the number and class of systems (Server or non-server) and the level of service provided.

Call or e-mail us for more details.